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12 articles
Add Step in Running ProcedureAdmins or Editors can add additional steps during a run they are participating in.
End Procedure with StatusA procedure can be ended as Success, Abort, Fail, or Completed.
Mark a Step as FailedFor when a step does not meet your testing criteria while running through a procedure.
Participating ToggleOperators are required to "participate" in running procedures by enabling the PARTICIPATING toggle.
Pause ProcedureHow to pause and resume a run.
Run ProcedureOverview of how to run a procedure.
Setting an OperationAdd / Edit / Remove an Operation from a running or ended run.
Single Card ViewHow to switch to single card view for procedure runs.
Skip, Repeat, or Revoke Steps & SectionsOperators are able to skip, repeat, or add steps during a run.
Suggest Edits While RunningSuggested Edits / Redlines / Blueline / Add a step during a run.
Offline ModeWhen you lose internet connectivity you can still work in Offline Mode and the changes will sync when connection is re-established.
Automation - Running Procedures