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Run Procedure
Run Procedure

Overview of how to run a procedure.

Updated over 5 months ago

Start a new Run

Click the RUN button either from the Master Procedures list or from the procedure's home page.

You can run through the procedure in List View or Single Card View using the buttons at the top of the page .


You can easily collapse or expand all sections at once using the arrow icons at the top of the page.

PARTICIPATING must be toggled on in order to input into fields or sign off steps

Add any desired Run Tags or add the run to an Operation using the drop down menu or entering text manually.

Run Numbering

Unique, incrementing run numbers will be auto-generated each time you start a new procedure.

Run Sidebar

Input required data into fields and progress through the procedure.

During the run, the sidebar on the left can display a color coded List view or Flowchart view of the run.

The sidebar, which also contains the run Details (Completion Progress, Link to Master Procedure Version, Run Start Date/Time, Collaborators, Summary, CSV Export) can be collapsed using the arrow in the top right of the sidebar.

Indicates a step that has been successfully signed off

Indicates a step that has not been signed off / failed / skipped

Indicates a step that has been marked as Failed

Indicates a step that has been marked as Skipped

Indicates a step has been repeated followed by the Repeat #

Use the List view or Flowchart view buttons to switch between views. The Flowchart view also follows the same color coding as the List view.

Hover over the outer right edge of the sidebar to see the crossbar, which will allow you to click and drag the sidebar width wider or narrower.

Step Signoffs

If the step requires one or more signoffs, you will see either a single check box in the right corner or a check box next to Role(s) that are required for signoff in an AND or OR fashion.

Click the check or the Role ID to sign off.

The example below needs to be signed off by the TECH role AND either the OP1, SPCBY, or MD role.

The logged in user running the above procedure only has the OP1 and MD roles assigned, so will not be able to signoff the step entirely, as someone with the TECH role will still be needed.

Each separate signoff box will need to be complete to satisfy the step.

PIN Signoff

PIN Signoff offers a secure and traceable way to signoff steps from a teammate's device without having to log them out so the other user could log in.

Users generate a unique 6-digit personal identification number that allows them to complete steps as themselves under a different user login.

Enable PIN Signoff for the workspace

You must be an admin to change this setting

Navigate to Settings > General and toggle on the Allow signing off with PIN setting.

Generate PIN

To generate a PIN, the user will click on their username when logged into the application, and select Profile.

Click + Generate New PIN

A PIN will automatically be generated.

Save / remember this PIN as it cannot be retrieved after dismissing the dialog box. If a user forgets their PIN, then can simply generate a new one.

Signing off with a PIN

During a run, clicking the 3 dot menu inside a signoff box will bring up the Sign Off as... option.

This will bring up a modal for the user to select their username in the drop down menu and enter their unique 6-digit PIN.

Sign Off as... option is available whether the logged in user has the required role or not.

Strict Signoff

When enabled in the Procedure Settings, enabled, the setting will prevent step signoff until all field inputs are completed and passing, and all linked procedures are run and ended.

During a run with Strict Signoff enabled, if an operator tries to signoff on a step that is not completed they will see the following pop-up and the step will not be signed off.

With Strict Signoff enabled, Operators will still be able to Skip or Fail steps that have not been completed.

Skip / Repeat / Fail / Add Steps

Using the 3 dot menu to the right of the step you are able to:





Step Comments

Add a Comment to any step while running a procedure.

You can also comment on sub-steps by clicking on the small, blue comment icon to the right of each line within the step.

If the small comment icon is grey and has a number in it, then a sub-step comment has been left. Click on the icon to view the comment thread.

Step Attachments

Click on the paperclip icon to attach any media file from your computer.

TIP: You can reply to attachments or comments. You can also copy/paste images into comment/reply fields.

@ Mentions

Type @ in a comment field to bring up a list of users to tag in your comment. Once the comment is posted, the tagged user will receive an email telling them they have been mentioned.

End Run

When you are finished running through the procedure it can be ended as SUCCESS, ABORT, or FAILURE. Ending without selecting one of those options will result in a COMPLETED status.

Only operator roles selected in the END PROCEDURE section of Procedure Settings will be able to end the procedure. Check out the article Create New Procedure for more details!

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