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Issue Management
Issue Management

A guide to issue tracking and Non-Conformance Reporting (NCR)

Updated over 7 months ago

Flag, track, and resolve issues, including process and part non-conformances.

With multiple ways to create and manage issues, we recommend reading through this entire guide to gain a full understanding of this feature.

Don't see the Issues feature? Reach out to Support using the green chat button or email for help setting it up.

Create a New Run Issue

To create a new issue for a run, click on this icon at the top of the page and then select + Create Issue.

Fill in the issue details as seen below.

Enter a Name for the issue. (required)

Select a Project from the dropdown menu. If the Procedure is already assigned to a Project, that field will be pre-filled and locked.

Select the Severity from the drop down list:

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

Select Assignee from the drop down list of users in your workspace.

Add any Notes or Attachments, and then click Create Issue.

Note: Once an Issue is assigned to a Project, only users with access to that project will be able to view and manage the issue. More on Project Access.

Once an issue is created, you will see the issues listed under the Create Issue button.

Click into an issue to view or edit details, including changing the status and viewing activity. In the Reference field, there will be a link to the Run associated with the issue.

Navigate to the Issues module to see a list of all Open or Closed issues. Use the search bar or sort by assignee to quickly find the issue you're looking for. Click into an issue to bring up the view or edit options as seen above.

Create a New Step Issue

To flag issues related to specific steps, click the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of any step to Add Issue.

The process to create, review, and edit a step issue is the same as a run issue.

The Reference link from the Issues module and Issue details page will link directly to the step associated with that issue.

Critical Issues

When an issue is marked as Critical, the run will automatically be paused until the issue has been downgraded or marked as resolved.

Hover over the issues icon to see details on when the run was paused.

Once all critical issues for the run have been resolved or downgraded to Major or Minor, the run can be resumed.

If an Issue is labeled Critical for an Inventory Item, it will be blocked from Part Usage until the Issue has been downgraded or closed.

Create Builds Issue

Parts Revisions

To create an issue associated with a Part Revision, navigate to the Part Details screen for the desired part revision and click the 3 dot menu.

Click Add Issue and fill out the Issue information as seen below.

Click Create Issue.

Issues will be displayed on the Parts Detail screen and on the main Issues screen.

Click on the Issue number to be directed to the specific Issue to view or edit.


To create an isssue for a PO, navigate to a PO in a Draft or Submitted state (Issues is not currently supported for Closed or Cancelled POs) and click the 3 dot menu on the right.

Click Add Issue and fill out the Issue information in the pop-up window.

Click Create Issue.

Issues will be displayed on the PO Detail screen and on the main Issues screen.

Click on the Issue number to be directed to the specific Issue to view or edit.

Inventory Items

To create an Issue associated with an Inventory Item, navigate to the Inventory screen, click into the specific item, and click on the 3 dot menu to the right.

Click Add Issue and fill out the Issue information in the pop-up window.

Click Create Issue.

Issues will be displayed on the Item Detail screen and on the main Issues screen.

Click on the Issue number to be directed to the specific Issue to view or edit.

If an Issue is labeled Critical for an Inventory Item, it will be blocked from Part Usage until the Issue has been downgraded or closed.

Issue Actions, Activity, & Details

Clicking into an Issue from the Issues list will bring you to the Issue Details page.

In addition to being able to view/edit Project, Status, Severity, Assignee, & Created By—the issue details page also provides an Activity log. Any activity or changes related to creating, pausing, resuming, or editing issues will be tracked here.

Click on the 3 dot menu and select Edit Issue to add notes, files/attachments, and Issue Actions (e.g. steps required to resolve the issue)

Change/edit any part of an Issue while it's in Draft mode.

Similar to Steps in a Procedure, Issue Actions include Step names, Signoffs, and Content Blocks.

Click the blue 💾 icon in the top right corner to save draft changes.

Then click on "Move to Active" to change the issue status from Draft to Active.

Issue Action steps can only be completed once the Issue is active.

Once Issue Actions are completed, click Close and select Resolved or Won't Fix. Click Confirm to close the issue.

Issue Actions must be completed in order to close an issue as "Resolved"

Adding Custom Fields to Issues

Click on the gear icon next to Issues to view Issues Settings

Enter the name of your custom field and click Save.

Now, you'll see this field when you create a new issue.

View custom field input in the Issue Details page.

Quick Demo

Jira for Issue Tracking

Prefer to track issues/tickets with Jira? Check out our Jira Integration Guide and reach out to support for more information on how to get started.

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