Installing the app in Jira
Open this link for the Jira application installation.
Note: A Jira admin of your organization must perform the installation.
The install page should look like the following:
Click “Get app”, which will pop up a new window to allow you specify the Jira site and install it.
Adding E3 Procedures to Jira Issues
Once the app is installed, a new pane will appear on the right-hand of an issue:
Upon opening the pane for the first time, a user must first authorize the app to connect to their Epsilon3 account.
Click “Configure access”
A new tab will open. Follow the prompts and authorize the connection by entering your Epsilon3 username and password.
After authorization, the Epsilon3 issue pane should display a selection dropdown with the following:
Teams – only displayed if the user has access to multiple teams in E3. Select a team from the dropdown and click “Set Team” to specify the E3 team.
Procedures – Lists all available procedures the user has access to. The procedures are listed by their Epsilon3 procedure unique ID.
Once a team (if needed) and procedure are selected, clicking “Append E3 Link to Description” will update the issue description with a direct link to the Procedure, as seen below.
Creating Jira Issues from Epsilon3
One-Time Setup (Jira Admin)
In order to support issue creation from Epsilon3, a one-time setup is required by the Jira admin. The Jira admin must have an account with Epsilon3.
An “Viewer” account is acceptable - and this will not count towards a seat license in Epsilon3.
If the Jira admin does not have an existing E3 account, the E3 admin can send them an invite.
At the top of Jira, click “Apps” followed by “Manage your apps”
On the left hand side, click “Epsilon3 Configuration”
Once the page loads, a screen like the following should appear.
Click "Connect."
If the user has not authorized the application with Epsilon3 yet, they will see a message “This app requires additional access to your account.”
Click “Configure access” and follow the prompts to authorize with Epsilon3. Then click “Connect."
Upon success, the connection status should show “Connected:”
Creating New Issues from a Run
To create a top-level issue from a run (which affects the entire run), click the blue diamond icon at the top of the page. Click “Create Jira Issue”
A modal will pop up to allow filling out the essential issue fields:
A Jira project must be selected prior to issue type, as each project may have a different subset of issue types.
Once the project is selected, choose the appropriate issue type. Note: not all issue types are supported, as some have additional/custom fields (e.g. Epic)
The title (Jira Issue Summary) is also required.
The description text is optional.
If you want to include a link back to the E3 Procedure, select the box “Include Procedure URL”
Once complete, click “Create Issue”. A small message at the top of the screen should indicate “Creating Issue”. Upon success, the message should change to “Issue Created”
To view the newly created issue, click the blue diamond icon at the top of the screen, and it will be listed in the dropdown. Clicking the link will directly open the issue in Jira.
To create an issue that is linked to a specific step, select “Add Jira Issue” from the step menu (3 dots in upper right corner near signoffs.)
This will open the same modal as shown in step 2 above. The only difference being the link to the Epsilon3 procedure will be to the specific step.
After creating the issue on the step, the link will be displayed in two places:
In the top of page dropdown as indicated in step 4:
And within the step actions history: