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Work Orders for Builds
Work Orders for Builds

Create, run, and track work order for Builds assemblies.

Updated over a month ago

Create a new Work Order

Navigate to the Work Orders section of the Builds module and select +New Work Order.

"Name" and "Part" are required fields

  1. Work Order No. will be automatically generated
    ​NOTE: this can not be edited and will increment with each new work order created ACROSS THE ORGANIZATION even if a previous number has been deleted. This means multiple teams will share the same numbering sequence.

  2. Name the work order

  3. Select any number of assignees

  4. Owner will be populated by the user creating the Work Order

  5. Select a part to be built in the Work Order

  6. Select the Revision

  7. Enter the quantity

  8. Add any relevant notes

  9. Click Create Work Order

New work orders will be created in the Planned stage. You will be able to view Components Needed and any other details entered when creating the work order.

The amount of components needed as well as the current available inventory count of the components will be displayed.

The Activity section will display any actions taken on the work order.

To move the Work Order into the Running stage, click the Start button, or Run one of the associated Work Instructions.

Any procedure that has the BOM of the ordered part will automatically link in the Work Instructions tab.

If a run is started on a Work Order that is in Planning there will be a popup to notify that the Work Order will be moved to Running.

Running Work Order

If no runs have been started, the procedure can be moved back into the Planning stage using the 3 dot menu in the top right.

Assembly items that are checking in during the run(s) will appear in the Created section with clickable links for traceability.

Once created parts are added to the work order, a new ABOM tab will appear which shows all of the As Built information.

The Run progress of any associated runs will be visible in the Work Instructions tab.

Work Order runs still appear in the Runs list like other procedures, as well.

Completed Work Orders

When the Work Order has been filled and there is no more work to be performed, move the Work Order to Complete.

You are not able to move back to Running once Completed.

Completed Work Orders will be listed in the Ended tab of the Work Orders module to retain all traceability.

If a work order is moved to Completed but associated runs are still active, the current status and completion percentage for the run will still be displayed. So if the run is ended later it will update.

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