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Testing Guide

Build and Run Test Plans with Test Points for Test Requirements, Hazards, & Conditions.

Updated over 7 months ago


  1. Start by defining your test Requirements (i.e. what you're testing for)

  2. Create Test Points with specific Conditions (e.g. speed, altitude, temperature) and Hazards (i.e. things that can go wrong)

  3. Build a Test Plan made of multiple Test Points

  4. Review, release, and run Test Plans (just like a Procedure)

  5. Track the Status of all your Test Points and Requirements


The Requirements page displays a list of all Requirements, their most recent Status, and any linked Issues. You can filter this list by Project, Priority, or Type, or search through all Requirements.

Tip: Change the order of Requirements by dragging and dropping into the desired position using the 6 dot menu to the left of each Requirement.

Click into a Requirement to view details, edit, or delete. This is also where you can view the Run History for any of the associated Test Points.

Create a New Requirement

  1. Assign a unique ID

  2. Add Requirement Text (i.e. description)

  3. Add a Version number

  4. Associate the Requirement with a certain Project

  5. Assign a Priority level

  6. Add a new (or select an existing) requirement Type

  7. Add Test Points

  8. Add links to define the relationship between Requirements (see more below)

  9. Attach any desired media files

  10. Add any notes (Markdown supported!)

  11. Click Save

Link Types

Links are informative and do not control or restrict requirements.

Incoming Link sets the Requirement as the Child of the selected Requirement.

Outgoing Link sets the Requirement as the Parent of the selected Requirement.

Link Type Examples







Import Requirement

Import Requirements using a Comma Separated .CSV file with the following format:


Conditions need to be created before Test Points.

Create and manage all Conditions within the Testing Settings section.

  1. Name the Condition

  2. Associate the Condition with a Project (Optional)

  3. Add a Description (Optional)

  4. Add or Create one or more Unit(s)

  5. Click Save

Import Conditions

Import Conditions using a Comma Separated .CSV file with the following format:


Create and Manage Hazards within the Testing dropdown.

  1. Name the Hazard

  2. Designate a Category

  3. Define a Cause

  4. Define the Effect

  5. Add to a Project, if desired

  6. Add Mitigation and Minimizing Procedures

  7. Add any relevant Notes

  8. Select the box that corresponds to the intersection of Probability and Severity of the Hazard occurring to determine the Hazard Analysis

  9. Click Save

Test Points will automatically populate in the Hazard detail screen after being connected to an associated Requirement.

The Analysis column within the Hazards page displays a color coded indicator of the Hazard Analysis. Hover over the dot to see the Severity and Probability of the Hazard.

Import Hazards

Import Hazards using a Comma Separated .CSV file with the following format:

Note: The notes column is optional. Severity and Probability labels must exactly match those in the hazard matrix.

Test Points

A Test Point defines a specific value for certain Conditions, including associated Hazards, if desired.

Test Points can be grouped by Project and sorted by Conditions or Hazards. Use the arrows in the upper right corner to collapse the list for a more condensed view.

From this screen, Test Points can be created, managed, and added to Test Plans.

  1. Name the Test Point

  2. Add to a Project, if desired

  3. Select one or more Conditions (required) from the drop down menu and click Add to fill in the Value and Units

  4. Select one or more Hazards (optional) from the drop down menu and click Add to populate the Category and Analysis

Import Test Points

Import Test Points using a Comma Separated .CSV file with the following format:

Test Conditions Matrix

Build a matrix of two Conditions that you want to create one or more new Test Points for.

From the Test Points page, click on Test Conditions Matrix.

Select two Conditions and enter unit, beginning, ending, and increment values. Click the Generate Matrix button to view all available points in your Test Conditions Matrix.

Select one or more points in the matrix and click Save.

Create your new Test Points that will be associated with these Conditions. Apply one or more (pre-defined) Hazards, as needed.

The newly saved Test Points will now appear on the Test Points page.

Test Plans

A Test Plan is basically a Procedure that has one or more Test Points.

The Plans page is divided into four different tabs:

  • Active: All Active Test Plans (like Procedures Library)

  • Running: All Test Plans currently being run (like Runs)

  • Ended: Test Plans that have been run and ended

  • Archived: Test Plans that are no longer active and have been archived

Note: Like Procedures, all Test Plans will go through a Review and Release process before they can be run.

Creating Test Plans

When creating and running a Test Plan, you'll have access to all of the same functionality of a normal Procedure.

The most efficient way to build a new Test Plan is by selecting one or more Test Points and then clicking Create Test Plan.

A Test Point Table will then be added to a Step within a new Test Plan Procedure. From here, you can add additional Test Points and any other step or table fields needed execute the Test Plan.

Although it will require more steps, Test Plans can also be created from the Plans page by clicking on New Test Plan.

Test Points can then be manually added as Content to the Test Plan Procedure.

For more details about building Procedures, check out Anatomy of a Step.


A Test Plan Snippet is just like a Procedure Step or Section Snippet. They are managed within the Testing Settings section.

Like normal Snippets, these can be created from scratch.

They can also be saved while editing a Test Plan.

Once saved, Snippets can be added to any Test Plan. This is done by adding content to a section or step and selecting Insert Snippet.

Choose a Snippet to insert.

The selected Snippet will be added as a Step or Section, depending on how it was originally created or saved.

Run a Test Plan

To run a Test Plan click into a released version and click Run Procedure.

The Test Plan will now display in the Running tab of Plans.

Click on checkbox in the Completed column when the Test Point Condition in that row been met.

Once the Step is signed off, each Test Point Table row will be timestamped.

Requirement associated with Test Points will be updated in real-time.

Test Point Run History will also be tracked and updated in real-time.

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you'd like to start using the Testing product.

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