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Review and Release Overview
Review and Release Overview

Overview of the Review and Release process.

Updated over a week ago


To create a new draft, navigate to the procedure's home page.

Click + NEW DRAFT (or + EDIT DRAFT if a draft already exists).


A draft that has already been created can be edited from the Master Procedures page. Simply click on the Edit Draft icon inline with the desired procedure.


Navigate to a procedure in EDIT mode and click Procedure Settings.

  • Enable / Disable Strict Signoff

  • Set the Owner

  • Add or Create any Master Procedure Tags

  • Set the Default View to List or Single Card

  • Select The Project (if applicable)

  • Designate which role(s) are permitted to START or END the procedure

  • Select the Data Source (if applicable)

  • Add Headers / Footers / Variables as desired

Once all Edits have been made in a procedure and you're ready to put it out for review, click REVIEW and then select one of the configured Review Types. This will auto-populate the required Reviewers and Review Stages for that Review Type.

Use the + signs to add additional reviewers before selecting Move to Review.

In the case of Multi-Stage Review, each review stage will be listed on separate lines. For more information on Multi-Stage Review check out this Review a Procedure article.

Ensure you have a unique version # or you will not be allowed to put a procedure in review.

You are not able to put a procedure into review until all errors (empty fields) are fixed. The system will alert you if you have any errors in your procedure.

Clicking Go To Error will bring you to any filed missing info.

Add reviewers by name or by role.

For more details on adding reviewers, check out our Assign or Remove Reviewers article!

Required reviewers / Review Types are set in the admin settings and can not be removed. For details on how to add or edit Mandatory Reviewers, check out our Setting Global Required Reviewers / Review Types article!

For subsequent releases, previous reviewers will be automatically assigned, but can be changed.

When a procedure is in Review, you can easily see if Strict Signoff is enabled at the top under Procedure Settings:

If Strict Signoff is disabled, nothing will be displayed:


Direct users to review and approve the procedure by telling them to locate the procedure, then click REVIEW from the Master Procedure list.

Users can sign off for any operator role they have been assigned.

Roles you have not been assigned will appeared greyed out.

Click the operator role or user email to sign off (MD in this example).

When a signoff has been completed, it will be timestamped with the user's email.

Each signoff box will need to be completed in order to RELEASE the procedure.


You can add release notes which will tell the reviewers what the high level changes were between releases.

Once all reviewers have approved, any operator with the authority to release procedures will be presented with the release button. This will officially release the next revision of a procedure.

If you see a message that states "None of your operator roles can release procedures," it means the operator role(s) that have been assigned to you do not have the RELEASE permissions. Contact an admin in your organization if you need the ability to release procedures. See Add Operator Roles

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