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Schedule Guide

A detailed overview of the Schedule module.

Updated over 4 months ago

Create a New Event

Navigate to the Schedules module in the left navigation pane

Click + New Event

  1. Enter a name for the event.

  2. Select a start and end time for the event.

    NOTE: Events with no start or end date and will appear in Unscheduled events.

  3. Designate as an Event or Milestone.

    NOTE: An event can not be designated as a Milestone event if it has an end date.

  4. The duration will automatically populate based on the start and end time, or select a start time and enter a duration to automatically populate the end time.

  5. Link one or all sections of a procedure to be run for the event.

  6. Set any parent dependencies (See Add Dependencies)

    NOTE: Child Dependencies can not be set. The Parent Dependencies must be added to the Child event.

  7. Add Resources / Participants for the event using the drop down menu.

  8. If it is a recurring event, set the schedule in the Repeats section.

  9. Select a Swimlane to organize the event into.

    1. If you do not see the Swimlane you would like, type a new Swimlane name and hit enter.

    2. If you do not select a Swimlane, your event will be grouped in the “Other” swimlane.

  10. All new events will start with a status of Planning. If there is a linked procedure, the status will update to Running/Paused/Success/Abort/Failure/Completed to reflect the status of the procedure. That status can be updated manually by editing the event up until the linked procedure is Run.

  11. Enter a description for the event. (Optional)

  12. Add any notes. Markdown Supported

  13. When ready click Save Event.

Relative Events

Next to the start date there is a drop down menu to select At (designating a specific start date and time) or After.

Selecting After will allow you to set the start of the event relative to the completion of a predecessor event.

  • Adjustments to the timing of the predecessor event will automatically adjust the successor event.

  • The end time for the successor event will be determined by the duration entered.

  • Instantaneous and Milestone events can be set as predecessor events, providing flexibility to how you schedule operations.

Activity Log

Creating and editing events will now be tracked in an Activity log at the bottom of the Event Details screen.

Schedule Views

Visualize timelines and schedules in three interactive views with powerful filtering, organization, and editing capabilities. View high-level information on the status of your scheduled events at a glance, then drill down to see run statuses, resource utilization, sub-events, milestones, and dependencies.

Set a time frame to display the schedule for.

NOTE: You can ONLY view dates in this range. If the current date is not listed in the date range, the Now button will be greyed out.

Gantt View

  1. Select this button to view the Gantt View of the schedule.

  2. Click Now jump to the current date and time if it is within the date range, or use the drop down to jump to a specified date in range. The current date and time is denoted using the bold dotted line extending through all swimlanes.

  3. Use the Snap View drop down to switch from Month, Week, or Day.

4. Use Swimlanes to group related events for organization and visibility.

5. Collapse or Expand the Swimlanes using the arrow under the title.

6. When collapsed, overlapping events will be condensed to show the total number of

events occurring at that time.

7. A Milestone event will be denoted by a thin dotted line extending through just one


8. Hover over a swimlane and click on the 3 dot menu to edit or delete the swimlane.

Click on an event or Milestone to see a quick view of details.

Double click to open the Event Details Screen to view or edit the event details.

Events will default to display in the fewest rows possible without overlapping.

The expand / collapse button can be used to toggle between this view and a condensed one-row view of the swimlane with overlapping events merged.

To view all events on their own rows, hover over the swimlane and use the 3 dot menu to select Maximize.

List View

List View is a list of all events that fall within the designated date range, including Start Date, Start Time, Name, Status, Duration, and Description.

Click into the Name of the event to open the Event Details Screen to view or edit the event details.

Calendar View

See all events that fall within the designated date range displayed in a standard Calendar View.

Click on an event to see a quick view of details.

Double click to open the Event Details Screen to view or edit the event details.

Create, Edit, and Delete Swimlanes

  1. In a new event or an event edit screen, type the name of the swimlane you would like to create.

  2. Either hit [Enter] key or click the Create option in the drop down menu.

Hover over the swimlane name in the Gantt view and click the 3 dot menu to edit or delete a swimlane.

Import Events

Events can be imported into Epsilon3 using a .CSV file by clicking the Import Events button in the top left corner.

Time values should be represented in Zulu Time (UTC) using the ISO-8601 standard.

Use the format in the modal for the .CSV import.

NOTE: Most standard calendars will export in this format

Repeat Events

  1. Set the events to occur Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.

  2. Fill in the details for the recurrence based on the selection above.

  3. Choose to end the event never (until manually stopped), after a set number of executions, or on a set date.

  4. Click OK.

All events in the series will have the chain icon denoting it as linked in a series.

Edit Single Event in Series

When making changes to repeat events, you will have the option to update all events in the series, or to detach and update this single event from the series and have the others remain unchanged.

  • When you click Save you will have the option to update all events in the series or to detach this event and only apply the edit to this single occurrence

  • If the event is detached from the series, you will see the chain icon with a slash through it

  • This is now a stand alone event and any further edits will not prompt you to choose to update the series

Add Dependencies

  • In a new event or an event edit screen, select parent dependencies.

  • Dependencies can only be added from the child event.

  • To add a child dependency, navigate to the child event and set the parent dependencies.

Link Procedure

  • In a new event or an edit event screen, select a procedure from the drop down menu or start typing in the field to search.

  • Select All Sections or a specific section in the procedure to run.

  • Only one procedure may be linked per event.

  • Click into an event from the Schedule Calendar to run, continue running, or check the progress of a linked procedure.

  • When editing an event the linked procedure can only be changed if the run has not been started.

  • Once the run has been started, the status of the event will reflect the status of the run.

View/Edit Existing Events

Click into an event from the Schedule Calendar screen to see and edit details.

  1. An activity log will be captured for creation and edits.

  2. View event status, actual start time, and scheduled start time.

  3. View any linked procedures, completion percentage, and status.

    (Note: The procedure can only be edited if the run has not yet been started)

  4. View Resources associated to the event.

  5. View any dependencies.

  6. View details such as Operation, Swimlane, Description, or Repeats*.

  7. View or enter notes on the event.

  8. Click the edit button to make any updates or modifications.

  9. Click the 3 dot menu to delete the event.

* The chain icon designates an event that is in series / has repeats. If any updates are made to a repeat event, you will be prompted to apply the changes to all events in the series or to detach the selected event from the series and only update that instance.

Unscheduled Events

All events without a start date will be grouped in Unscheduled Events.

Unscheduled Events is primarily intended as a way for users to queue up events and start populating details before there is a precise time scheduled for the event.

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