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Insights Guide

A detailed guide to the Insights module.

Updated over 5 months ago

Welcome to Insights!

Discover key insights and trends and explore your performance analytics across the platform! Here you can:

  • Share plots and analyses with other team members to quickly collaborate and troubleshoot anomalies or unexpected outcomes.

  • Analyze performance data from your testbed, vehicle, etc.

  • Automatically detect anomalies, inefficiencies, or unexpected results.

  • Detailed analytics, dashboards, and reports of procedures with multiple ways to filter the results for specific insights.

The Insights module only displays data for ENDED runs.


The Trends tab shows data across all runs from all procedures. When you click into the Insights module you will see four charts with a default timeframe of the last 30 days.

Select a Timeframe for the displayed data, or remove the Timeframe filter to display data for all time.

Add Filters

Add filters to narrow down the data you would like to view. Select as many filters as you would like.

  • Run State

    Filter procedures by Success, Abort, or Failure Run State.

  • Run Tags

    Filter procedure runs by Run Tags used.

  • Timeframe

    Filter procedure runs to ones that occurred in the designated time frame.

  • Participants

    Filter procedures by the user(s) that participated in the run.

  • Operations

    Filter procedure runs by Operation.

  • Operators

    Filter procedures by Operator Roles included.

  • Projects

    Filter procedure runs by Project.

  • Tags

    Filter procedures by Procedure Tags used.

  1. Clear a filter by clicking the x next to the selection.

  2. Remove a filter by clicking the x near the filter field.

  3. Clear all selections from the current filters by clicking Reset Filters.

Bulk Runs Export

Export Run Metadata from all your procedures into a single comprehensive CSV file.

Any filters applied will carry over into the export so only the filtered data will be in the CSV file.

Four Trends Charts

Top Run Procedures displays the most frequently run procedures that meet the filtered criteria.

Hover over a bar to see the procedure name and the number of runs. Click into the bar to switch to Insights for that specific procedure.

Clicking into a procedure from the Trends tab will bring you over to the Procedures tab for that specific procedure.

Top Active Participants displays the participants who were active in the highest number of procedure runs meetings the filtered criteria.

Hover over a bar to see the user name and the number of runs. Click into the bar to add that user to the Participants filter. Click the filter reset button on the chart to reset just that Participant filter.

The Participants filter will filter procedures by runs that INCLUDE that participant. This means that even if you are filtered by a specific participant, the Top Active Participants chart may still show multiple users.

Average Duration of Longest Procedures displays the procedures meeting the filtered criteria that have the longest run durations by their average run duration.

Hover over a bar to see the procedure name and the average duration. Click into the bar to switch to Insights for that specific procedure.

Clicking into a procedure from the Trends tab will bring you over to the Procedures tab for that specific procedure.

Number of Runs Over Time plots the number of runs per day meeting the filtered criteria.

Hover over a data point to see the date and the number of runs. Click on a data point to set that as the start date. Click the filter reset button on the chart to reset just the timeframe filter.


The Anomalies tab displays procedure runs with run durations that fall outside the average, based on sensitivity criteria.

Selected filters will carry over from the Trends tab to the Anomalies tab. Filters can be added or adjusted as desired.

In addition to the filters previously discussed, you will also see Anomaly Sensitivity. This setting adjusts the system's strictness for classifying anomalies based on how many standard deviations away they are from the average. A higher value for Anomaly Sensitivity allows for more strict classification.

Lower anomaly sensitivity values may result in more anomalies being detected (less strict) while higher values may reduce false positives.

An Anomaly Sensitivity of 0 would display all procedure runs that meet the filtered criteria, whereas a value of 3 may return no results.

The bars on the chart represent individual procedures and how many run duration anomalies were detected based on the filter and sensitivity settings. Hover over the bar to view the procedure name and the number of anomalies. Click into a bar to switch to Insights for that particular procedure.

Clicking into a procedure from the Trends tab will bring you over to the Procedures tab for that specific procedure.

All of the anomalous runs meeting the filter and sensitivity criteria will be displayed below sorted from highest Duration Delta to the lowest Duration Delta.

Duration Delta is the percent difference of the run as compared to the average run duration for that procedure. The Duration Delta remains the same for the run regardless of the filter and sensitivity criteria.

A run that is significantly shorter than the average will have a negative Duration Delta, where as a run that is significantly longer than the average will have a positive Duration Delta.

More about Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation is a statistical measurement of the amount a number varies from the average.

A low standard deviation means that the number is very close to the average, where a high standard deviation means that there is a large variance between the data and the statistical average.

As you can see in the bell curve above, almost 100% of data falls within 3 standard deviations.


The Procedure tab displays Insights for a specific procedure. Selected filters will carry over from the Trends tab to the Anomalies tab. Filters can be added or adjusted as desired.

In addition to the filters previously discussed, you will also see a drop down menu to select a specific procedure to display.

Run Durations will display all of the runs that meet the filtered criteria against the run duration time. The y axis will update dynamically to seconds, minutes, hours, days etc. to fit the data.

By default, the total run duration including pauses will be displayed.

You also have the option to select Run Start Time for the x (horizontal) axis and and or remove a trend line or curve.

Step Duration Per Run displays the step durations for all steps in a specified run, sorted either by the order the steps were completed in, or the duration of the step.

The bars represent steps within the run. Hover over a bar to see the step number, name of the step and the completion order relative to the other steps in the procedure.

The bars in the chart will also be color coded depending on if the step was completed/signed off (green), Failed (red), or Skipped (grey).

Click the download button in the top right corner of the chart to download/export a .CSV of the step durations across all of the runs that meet the filter criteria.

Click the Bulk Download button to generate a detailed run report for each of the selected runs.

At the bottom of the page the Run Duration Table will be displayed, which shows detailed information for each of the runs meeting the filter criteria.

Clicking on either the Run Code or the Run Name will bring you to that ended run.

From a Master Procedure Overview screen, you can click the Insights button to bring you to the Procedure tab of the Insights module to view data on completed runs for that procedure.

Sharing Dashboards

Effortlessly distribute Insights Dashboards by duplicating the Insights URL.

Build out your dashboard with filters, anomaly sensitive, etc as desired and then simply copy the URL and share or save for future use.

Aggregate Procedure Data Download

Quickly download aggregated metadata of completed runs in a single CSV file, ordered by the number of runs and filtered based on the Insights page.

This organized, filterable report helps users make data-driven decisions faster, streamlining the analysis of performance trends and operational insights.

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