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Create New Procedure

Quick guide to creating a new procedure.

Updated over 6 months ago

From the Procedures Library, click + NEW PROCEDURE.

A New Procedure Modal will appear.

Heads up!

A field with an * in it or next to it is required

Click the Procedure code field and enter a Unique ID for the procedure.

Click the Procedure name field and enter the name of the new procedure.

Fill in / select any other desired settings.

All of these settings can be edited later in Draft / Edit mode of the procedure and in the Procedure Settings.

Tip: Section labels can be displayed as Numbers OR Letters

  • Click on the Settings icon in the left navigation pane

  • Click on the General tab

  • Under General Preferences, click the Edit icon next to "Section labels should be displayed as" to change between Numbers and Letters

    Note: This is a global setting

Click the Section name field and enter the name of the first section.

Click the Step name field and enter the name of the first step.

Use the SIGNOFFS drop down menu to require Operator role(s) to signoff for step completion.

Use the + Add Content button to add the first content block. Hover over an existing content block and use the + to add additional blocks.

NOTE: For more information about adding content blocks and their various functions, check out the Anatomy of a Step article.

Selecting multiple operator roles within the same SIGNOFF menu will allow for any ONE of the selected roles to sign off. Adding operator roles in separate SIGNOFF menus will require each for signoff.

Heads up!

You can select 0 up to any number of operators as required on a step. By default "Any Operator" will be selected. To remove signoffs, hover over the drop down menu and select the x icon that appears.

In this example, the step will need to be signed off by someone with the Eng1 role AND someone with either the MD role OR the QC role.

Click the x next to the role or user to remove them from the step sign off. Hover over the signoff block and click the x that appears to remove that signoff block.

Add content blocks to the step as desired.

For detailed information on the step elements available, check out the articles:

Select an existing block, step, or section and click the + icon on the left.

Click ADD STEP or INSERT SNIPPET to add a new step or a saved step snippet.

Click ADD SECTION or INSERT SNIPPET to add a new section or a saved section snippet.

Click Procedure Settings to review the settings applied to this procedure

  • Enable / Disable Automation

  • Enable / Disable Strict Signoff

  • Set the Owner

  • Add or Create any Procedure Tags

  • Set the Default View to List or Single Card

  • Select The Project (if applicable)

  • Designate which role(s) are permitted to START or END the procedure

  • Select the Data Source (if applicable)

  • Add Headers / Footers / Variables as desired

Edit Sidebar

When editing a procedure, you have important procedure details and navigation in a sidebar. With this table of contents, easily navigate to different sections of the procedure and copy direct links to sections and steps.

Switch to the Flowchart view to visualize your conditional logic in real time as you edit!

Read below for more things you can do when building your procedure

Save as Snippet

If the step or section is one that you will re-use across multiple procedures, you can save it as a Snippet to make building similar procedures faster and easy!

Re-order / Move a step or section

If you would like to change the placement of a step or section, you can click and hold the 6 dot icon to the left of the step or section and drag it to the new location

Duplicate a section or step

Users can copy a block/step/section into the clipboard via the left context menu, or the beloved CTRL+C or CMD+C.

Users can paste a block/step/section from the clipboard via the left context menu, or the beloved CTRL+V or CMD+V.

Remove a step or section

Users can delete a block/step/section via the left context menu, the x in the top right corner, or selecting the block/step/section and using the DELETE key on their keyboard.

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