Import Procedure
Upload a procedure in .prl or .csv format.
The import procedure tool supports CSV and PRL files
Navigate to your Epsilon3 Homepage
Click into the Master Procedures section on the left navigation pane
Click Import Procedure
Click Upload File
Example file format:
Step Name,Notes,Inputs
Section A,,
Step A1,Some note,
Step A2,,Input pressure
Section B,,
Step B1,Another note,Input force
Each row will import as a step - blank rows will import as section breaks
The first column is always interpreted as the step or section name. Other columns can be interpreted as specific content types with the following names:
Note: "note" or "notes"
Field Input: "input", "inputs", "output", "outputs"
All other column names are interpreted as Text content types
Select desired file to upload
Make any necessary changes to your import
Blocks deleted from your imported procedure will move to the "Unused Blocks" side panel to save them in case you want to put them elsewhere in the procedure.