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Procedure Review Diffs
Procedure Review Diffs

Navigate and review details that have been edited in a procedure draft.

Updated over a week ago

Details that have been edited and need review before release will be outlined in red. Navigate between them quickly using the arrows at the top of the procedure. Add comments for other reviewers if needed, then release!

In most cases the specific changes that have been made will be visible in the highlighted steps.

Changes made to the following sections will be outlined in red:

  • Top-Level fields like Project, Owner, Code, Header/Footer, and Procedure Name

  • Procedure Variables

  • Bill of Materials

  • Steps including Name, Dependencies, Signoffs, and any changes to content blocks

Note: While they will be outlined in red, Procedure Variables, Telemetry, Commanding, Dependencies, Conditionals, and File attachments will not show details of the previous info.

Locate the changed steps, and review prior to release.

Note in the screenshot above:

  • The title of Step A2 has changed from "k" to "Additional Kitting"

  • A3.1 was removed

  • A3.2 the note was changed from **IMAGE_INFO_B** to **IMAGE_INFO_A**

  • A Note block was added to the bottom

Tables show anything that was removed in red, added in green, and will add a red corner that you can hover over to see details about Column Input type changes.

Hover text will also show details about text that was removed if the column type was changed from text to text input.

Click through the changes using the arrows at the top of the procedure. This will scroll through the procedure, displaying the next change at the top of the screen.

Use the Show Changes toggle to switch between the review with and without diffing.

Add any comments for other reviewers:

Click the COMMENT icon.

Type your comment and click Post.

Once posted, the comments will display the email and timestamp of the user who made it.

Reply to comments to start a thread.

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