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Parts Inventory

An overview of Parts Inventory including adding items, custom details, import/export, and scrapped parts.

Updated over 3 months ago

Manually Add Items to Inventory

The Inventory section of the Builds module is a list of the quantity, serial # / lot #, and location of parts on hand.

Note: A part needs to be added to the Parts dictionary before you can add inventory.

  1. Select the part from the drop down list

  2. Select the revision

  3. Click Add Item to populate the fields

  4. If applicable, enter the serial # or lot # of the associated part (this will populate based on the Tracking selection for that item in the Parts dictionary)

  5. Enter the quantity you are adding to inventory that will have the same tracking information (Serial tracked items can only have a quantity of 1)

  6. Select a Location for the parts to be stored if desired

  7. Save to add the items into inventory

Note: The Location needs to first be created before it will appear in the list.

Items with Serial tracking can only be added with a quantity of 1. The quantity can be adjusted for Lot tracking or No Tracking items.

The Inventory screen will display a list of parts and the total quantity on hand. Clicking the arrow next to a part will expand to show tracking and location information.

Auto-Generate Inventory Serial / Lot #

Admins can enable Auto-increment serial numbers by clicking on the gear icon next to Builds, then on Numbering, and then toggling this setting on for Inventory. Select a Prefix, Delimiter, and Offset that will be used whenever your team auto-generates a new serial number.

Serial numbers support a single 3-character prefix and an optional hyphen delimiter. Valid number range is 100000 - 100000000000.

Once enabled, Add Part Inventory, Receive Items and Close PO, and Parts for Check-In (during a run) will all have a button in the Add Serial # input field to auto-generate the next serial. See below for examples.

Custom Inventory Detail

Add custom fields to your Part Inventory details screen for specific inventory items.

Navigate to Builds settings. Click + Add Inventory Detail to add custom fields. These can be (optionally) filled in for any Parts Inventory item.

You must be an ADMIN to perform this action.

Click Edit in the Part Inventory details page to update custom inventory details.

Custom Field details will not be displayed on the Inventory Detail screen until after inputs have been saved.

You can also Update Inventory Detail(s) during a run by adding this to a step within your Builds procedures.

Select the desired detail input option(s) from the dropdown menu.

During the run, select the Serial / Lot # of the part inventory item(s) being used or checked-in during the procedure.

Details will be saved within the corresponding Parts Inventory details page.

Each change will also be tracked in the run history section at the bottom of the inventory details page.

Click here for more on how to create Builds procedures.

Inventory Item Details Page

  1. Details for the specific inventory item (including custom inventory details)

  2. Information for the Part definition

  3. Component part information and traceability

  4. Activity log showing full visibility into how the item has been changed or used

  5. As Built (aBOM) for the item

  6. Traceability for any associated purchase orders

  7. Full Run History of the item

  8. Print a QR Code for this inventory item

  9. Create or view issues

  10. Edit item, Export, Mark Scrap, or Delete

As Built BOMs

  • The inventory item detail page will now show all the As Built BOMs in which the item has been used, including ones that describe the item itself.

  • Users can now easily find the top level assemblies in which an item has been consumed as a component item, or view the specific component items used at all levels of the as built BOM.

Import and Export Inventory

Note: A part needs to be added to the Parts dictionary before you can add inventory.

Inventory items can be imported using a CSV file by clicking the Import button on the main Inventory screen.

Follow the format in the modal:

Note: Columns 'Part Number,' 'Rev,' and 'Quantity' are required.

Click the Export button on the main Inventory screen to download a CSV of current Inventory.

Scrap a Part from Inventory

Only items with tracking (Serial or Lot) can be marked as scrap

To mark an inventory item as scrap, navigate to the item's detail screen.

Click on the 3 dot menu next to the Edit button and select Mark Scrap.

There will be a pop up notification explaining that a part marked as Scrap will not be available for checkout and usage tracking. Click Ok to proceed.

The status of the inventory item will change from In Inventory to Scrap.

Use the same 3 dot menu to move the item back to Inventory so it is no longer marked as Scrap.

Scrapped items will no longer be listed in the Parts Inventory screen or be available to select in the Parts drop down menu in a run.

To view scrapped parts, navigate to the Parts Detail screen.

Click into the Scrap tab to view all items scrapped for this part. Click into the tracking number (serial or lot) to view the item's detail screen.

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