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Add a New Part

Adding or editing parts in the Parts section of the Builds Module.

Updated over 2 months ago

Add a New Part to Parts Dictionary

Parts need to be added to the Parts dictionary before they are able to be checked in to Inventory.

In the Parts section of the Builds module click New Part in the top Right corner.

  1. Add an Image for your part

  2. Enter a part #

  3. Name the part

  4. Optional field for revision / version control

  5. Select a Project (optional)

  6. Enter a description for the part

  7. Select Tracking: between Serial #, Lot #, or No Tracking

    (Note: This is simply creating the part in the parts dictionary and not adding to inventory so you will not be entering Lot or Serial #s here)

  8. Enter an Inventory Threshold (Optional) - See Inventory Threshold

  9. Fill in any desired custom part details (set Globally)

  10. Add attachments (Optional)

  11. Link one or more procedures for the part (Optional)

  12. Set Usage type to track part usage (Optional) - See Part Usage

  13. If the Part you are creating is a larger assembly of sub components, add all of the sub component parts here by selecting from the drop down and clicking Add and entering the quantity required (Note: the sub components parts need to be added into the parts dictionary for them to be listed)

  14. Save

Note: Part #, Revision, and Name are required fields.

The part is now available in the Parts dictionary list with on hand Inventory count:

Once a part has been added, clicking into the Part Number from the Parts screen will bring up the Part Detail screen.

The Part Detail screen will display the part Issues, Usage and Threshold Limits, Component parts, the current inventory for the parent part, scrapped and unavailable inventory, and links to run any associated procedures / work instructions.

Auto-Generate Part Numbers

Admins can enable Auto-increment part numbers by clicking on the gear icon next to Builds, then on Numbering, and then toggling this setting on for Parts.

Next, select one or more Prefixes as well as the Delimiter and Offset that will be used whenever your team auto-generates a new part number.

Part numbers support multiple 3-character prefixes and an optional hyphen delimiter. Valid number range is 100000 - 100000000000.

TIP: Always Save changes to Parts Numbering before editing Inventory Numbering settings.

Once this setting is enabled, + New Part will all have a button in the Part Number input field to auto-generate the next serial.

Every newly added part will be given a unique part number.

Part Assemblies

Parts can be marked as Part Assemblies by clicking the 3 dot menu on the Part Detail screen and selecting Mark as Assembly.

A part that has been marked as an assembly will have a comprehensive component tree of assembly parts, enabling quick visualization and searching of the entire part build.

An assembly icon will display on the Part Detail screen for parts that have been marked as assemblies.

To remove the assembly designation, click the 3 dot menu again and select Unmark as Assembly.

  1. Switch from the Part List View to the Part Assembly View using the icon at the top of the Parts screen.

  2. Expand an assembly to see the component parts.

  3. If there are subassemblies in the component parts those can be expanded down as well as many layers deep as necessary.

Part Revisions

View data for older revisions of a part in the Part Detail screen.

If there are previous revisions of the part available, the Revision number will have a drop down menu where previous revisions can be selected and displayed.

Component revisions can be locked to a specific revision of the parent part.

Other part data (images, attachments, linked procedure, etc) can also be revision controlled for each part.

Comments added will be associated to specific part revisions.

To enhance visibility and communication, you’ll also have the ability to tag and notify team members in your part revision notes.


Add one or more Tags to the Part Details screen. Create or add existing tags to any part to help organize across teams, missions, or projects.

Click the Add Tag button to add tag from the drop down of existing Part tags, or type in a new tag and click create.

Filter by tags in the Parts List.

Custom Part Detail

Need to associate information from an external system with a part in Epsilon3? Use a custom part field!

Add custom fields to your parts details screen by navigating to the Builds module and clicking the Settings gear icon.

You must be an ADMIN to perform this action.

When creating or editing a part, all of the custom fields listed in the Settings will be display.

Only the fields that have information entered will be displayed on the Part detail screen.

When a custom field name is edited, it is automatically updated for every part.

Inventory Threshold

Set a threshold for when inventory for a part should be considered low in the part’s detail screen.

When inventory drops to the threshold amount or lower, part detail screen will show a warning indicating inventory is low.

This will also be displayed on the Parts screen.

Hover over the i icon to see Inventory Threshold details:


Parts can be organized into projects to help easily group them and control access with project based permissions.

Inventory items and issues created from parts with projects will inherit the project’s access and permission settings.

Select a project when adding or editing a part or directly from the parts detail screen.

Parts can only be associated with one project

When adding or updating a project on a part, you will see a warning that this will update the project for the part, part revisions, and inventory items.

The Parts screen will display which project the parts are in, and can be sorted and filtered by project.

Parts that are in projects the user does not have access to will not be displayed (when workspace access level is set to NONE)

Any parts the user does not have access to will appear as restricted throughout the rest of the application.

For example: If there is a restricted part on a PO, the part will display as restricted as well as the quantity, unit cost, and PO total.

Part Review & Release Settings

Like Procedures, Parts can also be reviewed before being modified or released.

To enable this for your workspace, click the gear icon next to Builds, click Reviews, and then toggle on Review Cycle Enabled.

Click + Add Review Type under Parts to add a Review Type and one or more Labels (i.e review stage names) with assigned reviewers. Click Save.

Now, once a Part is added or modified, the Draft will need to be submitted for Review.

The Part will then be in a review state. Reviewers will be notified.

The Part will only be added or revised once it's been reviewed and released by all assigned reviewers.

Import Parts

Parts can also be imported using a CSV file by clicking Import Parts on the Parts screen.

Note: Columns 'Part Number,' 'Name,' and 'Rev' are required. 'Parent Part Number' and 'Quantity Needed' are only applicable if the part is used as a component of another part. Parts can be repeated in multiple rows if used as a component in multiple parts.

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