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Lock or Unlock steps based on certain conditions being met.

Updated over 2 months ago

Conditionals allow you to set the next action based on the results of the current step. The next action can be triggered either upon the step completion or fail or based on the selection from a List, Custom List, or Number field input.

Conditionals based on Success / Failure

When the step is signed off, the procedure will flow to B3 and B4 requirements will remain unmet. If FAIL STEP is selected, the procedure will flow to B4 and B3 requirements will remain unmet. If the step is skipped and NOT repeated, then both B3 and B4 will unlock so as not to block the procedure.

In this way, Conditionals are like Dependencies that direct the flow of the run.

As steps without signoffs can not be skipped or failed, any conditional based on step completion will only have the completion option.

Conditionals using List or Custom List field inputs

Ex: Conditionals based on List/Custom List - Set Conditionals drop down to Field Input name. (See Anatomy of a Step for more info on Lists and Custom Lists)

Select the step you want each option to flow to.

When the step is signed off, the procedure will flow to the option selected.

Conditionals using Number field inputs

Create Conditionals based on the PASS or FAIL of Number field inputs.

Pre-determine the flow of the procedure depending on if a Number that's been entered meets an expected value or falls within required parameters.

Note: A Number Rule must be added for this type of Conditional to work.

Using step dependency and conditionals together may result in circular references, thus rendering your steps unable to be completed as intended.

Conditionals are ideally suited for progressing to future / not previously completed steps. If navigating to a previously signed off step, the step will need to be manually repeated to input different values.

​Conditionals Based on Durations

Branch a procedure based on how long a particular step takes to execute.

You will need to add Duration under Add Details at the top of the step.

Toggle on Record Duration AND add an Expected Duration in an HH:MM:SS format.

Once those are set, Expected Duration will be available in the Conditionals drop down.

Set the flow based on whether the step took more or less time than expected.

During a run, the start button must be clicked before any inputs can be entered in the step. The duration will be visible in the top right corner above the sign off. The duration will be set when the step is signed off and will flow based on the conditional selections.

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