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Setting Review Types / Multi-Stage Review
Setting Review Types / Multi-Stage Review

Global setting that allows you to configure different groups of required reviewers for all procedures.

Updated over 11 months ago

You must be an Admin to set or change this setting.

Add Operator Roles and/or Users that will be required to sign off / review procedures before being released, based on the selected Review Type.

Add review types to account for multiple groups and/or stages of required reviewers to adjust for different review requirements, such as major and minor version updates.

Click the Settings icon in the left navigation pane, then click into the Release section.

Click + Add Review Type to add a new Review Type or click Edit next to an existing Review Type to make changes.

  1. For each review stage, specify if approvals should be cleared when changes are made to the draft version.

    NOTE: By default, approvals will be clear if edits are made to the draft after the approvals were made. This setting can be disabled on a per Release Stage basis, which would allow changes to be made without clearing previous approvals.

  2. Reviewers can be added using our standard "AND" and "OR" logic.

  3. When editing a Review Type, add additional stages using the + Add Review Stage button. Hover over the review stage and click the x in the top right hand corner to delete the stage.

Expand for more "AND" and "OR" Logic details

Each new block represents a signature. Signatures for review can be gathered by Operator role (anyone with that operator role assigned can signoff) or User (a user's email will be used and that specific person must signoff).

Operator roles and user emails are both represented in the same drop down menu.

In this example, the procedure will need to be signed off by someone with the MD role AND someone with either the AVI role OR the ACO role.

Click the x next to the role or user to remove them as a reviewer. Hover over the reviewer box and click the x in the corner to remove the review block.

Click SAVE to lock in reviewer selections that will apply to all new reviews where that Review Type is selected.

Updates or changes made to Review Groups will only affect new reviews.

When a procedure draft it put into review, the editor will need to select a Review Type.

The operator roles associated with the selected Review Type will automatically populate as required reviewers. Additional reviewers can be added, if desired.

Reviewers that are configured as part of the Review Type are not able to be removed from this procedure, even if you are an admin.

Use the + signs to add additional reviewers before selecting Move to Review.

Caution: Setting specific users as required reviewers will mean that user MUST be available to sign off on all releases.
​Utilizing the OR function for specific users will allow for alternate options.

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