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Version History

View & Compare Previous, Current, and Draft Versions of Each Procedure.

Updated over 7 months ago

View & Compare Procedure Versions

Need to see what changed between different versions of the same procedure?

From the procedure details page, click on Versions.

This will open up a Version History tab where you can see and click on previous versions of the procedure.

Click on Compare Versions to see what has changed between two different versions of the procedure. Use the arrows in the top right corner to navigate through each change made.

Steps with changes will have a red box around them.

Added content blocks will have a green box around them.

Removed content will be shown in red font with a strikethrough.

Added content will be highlighted in green.

Only the most recently RELEASED version of the procedure is able to be run.

There can only be one DRAFT version of the procedure at a time.

Compare Two Different Procedures

You can do this by manually updating the procedure ID and version in the webpage URL.

Open a diff page that compares versions of one of the procedures (procedure A).

In a separate tab, open the detail page for the procedure version (procedure B) you want to compare to procedure A.

In the url on the diff page, change the "old" query parameter to the id of procedure B, and the "oldVersion" query parameter to the version of procedure B you want to compare with.

Navigate to the above url, and you should see a screen comparing Procedure B, version 2 with Procedure A, version D

From that diff page you can select different versions of either procedure to compare.

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