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Invite / Edit Users
Invite / Edit Users

Bulk invite new users or edit user access and operator roles.

Updated over 8 months ago

Invite New User(s)

NOTE: Only Admins can add new Epsilon3 users.

Click the Settings icon in the left navigation pane:

Click Users and then the + Invite Users button.

Enter up to 100 email addresses in the Email(s) field.

Select the Workspace Access, Operator Role(s), and Project Access you would like to apply to all of the included emails.

Admin = Full Access Control (edit operators, access levels, etc), Editor, Operator, and Viewer access.

Editor = Edit procedures, Operator and Viewer access.

Operator = Complete Steps in procedures.

Viewer = Comment on running steps.

Tip: Operator roles will not be applicable for users with "Viewer" access.

Tip: Operator roles can be added later.

Click the Invite Users button to send the invites.

Heads up!
New Users will have a limited time to accept the invitation.

Password Complexity Requirements:

  • 15 Characters

  • Upper and Lower case letters

  • Number

  • Symbol

Invited users who have not yet accepted the invite will appear in the Invited tab.

Edit User Settings

User workspace access levels, operator roles, and project access levels can be performed individually or in bulk.

Select the checkbox next to the users you want to edit with the same settings.

Click the Edit Users button.

Tip! If a user have more than one assignment for Operator Roles or Project Access, the fields can be collapsed or expanded all at once or individually using the double arrows in the right corner. An ellipses will be displayed when the fields are collapsed.

In the Edit Users window, select the settings you want to apply to all of the selected users and then click the Update Users button.

Cancel Invite

Invites can also be cancelled from the Invited tab by selecting the checkbox next to the invited user and clicking the Cancel Invites button

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