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Define Units that will be available to use globally.

Updated over 10 months ago

Navigate to Settings > Units to add, view, or edit global Unit definitions.

Click +Add Unit to add additional Units or EDIT to modify existing Units.

This action can only be performed by an Admin.

Enter the Singular Name, Plural Name, and Abbreviation in the respective fields and click SAVE.

The globally defined Units will be available to select in a drop down menu where Units are used.

If the desired Unit has not been added to the global settings, a Custom Unit may be created.

Start typing in the Units field and you will see the option to use a Custom Unit.

Custom Units are ONLY available for the specific field they are typed into and will not be added to the global settings.

If the Unit is added to the global settings and there is a match to the Singular name, the field in the procedure will automatically update to the global setting and will no longer be a custom unit.
​NOTE: At this time, only the Singular name is matched and it is case sensitive.

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